Thursday 31 March 2011

Screecher Larvae

The larvae of the screecher beetle fight by darting in, biting off a chunk of flesh, and then biting back into hiding to consume it.
With the aid of their parents, they can be quite difficult to pin down and kill.

Screecher Larvae
Level 3 Minion Lurker
Tiny Natural Beast XP 36
HP 1; a missed
attack never damages a minion
Initiative +9
AC 17 Fortitude 15 Reflex 14 Will 14 Perception +2
Speed 5; Swim 3
Standard Actions
Wrenching Bite At-will
Attack: (Melee) 0; +8 Vs. AC
Effect: The Screecher Larvae shifts 2 squares
Hit: 5 damage and the Screecher Larvae shifts 3 squares and makes a stealth check with an automatic result of 22
Str 3 (-3) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 13 (+2) Int 2 (-4) Cha 4 (-2)
Stealth: +12

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